8 Tips For Working Out In The Heat

Summer is officially here and it’s warm outside! We want you to be active safely this summer, so we have scoured the internet for the best advice on how to remain active safely in the heat and have put together 8 tips to help you keep active!

Take a look at our tips below.

1. Go to the Gym

This may seem like a no-brainer but, when it’s sweltering outside it’s a lot safer to take your workout indoors to an air conditioned gym than it is to complete outside – no matter how tempting it can be.

You can easily avoid any heat related injuries by heading down to your local gym and completing your workout there. Not only is there an abundance of weight plated and resistance machines to help you complete any exercise, but there’s plenty of cardio machines if you’re looking to get your cardio in.

2. Stay Hydrated

Hydration is always important, however during the summer heat it’s even more so.

Water is your best friend on a hot day as dehydration is a key factor in most heat related illnesses. By keeping hydrated with water you are helping your body to sweat and cool down. Remember not to wait until you’re thirsty before taking a drink and if you plan on exercising intensely, a sports drink will help to replace the sodium, chloride and potassium you lose through sweating.

3. Dress Appropriately

Lightweight, loose fitting clothing helps us to keep cool when it’s warm outside as they help sweat to evaporate more easily. Light colours help to reflect the sun whereas dark colours absorb heat, so ditch the full black outfit and go for something more colourful! Never be afraid to get your legs out either, they look great!

4. Timing Is Everything

Make sure you avoid the midday sun.

10:00 – 15:00 are supposed to be the hottest times of the day, so it’s best to exercise on a morning or on an evening when it’s cooler. Many athletes prefer exercising on a morning, as it leaves you feeling energised for the rest of your day! If you are exercising outside, try to find some shade.

5. Don’t forget Sunscreen

Not only does sunburn make it harder for your body to cool itself, but it also increases the risk of skin cancer. Make sure you’re protected when going outside in the heat by slathering on the sunscreen! (A waterproof one will protect you even if you’re sweating buckets!)

6. Know Your Limits

Listen to your body. It will always tell you when it needs a rest or has had enough. Due to the heat, chances are that you won’t be able to exercise at the intensity you normally do but that’s okay. The best thing to do if you’re exercising outdoors in the heat is to reduce your exercise intensity and take frequent breaks.

7. If You Feel Faint and/or Sick, Stop Immediately

If this happens, sit down (if you’re outside do so in the shade) and rest. Drink plenty of fluids and if possible, have a juicy snack – like fruit! Only continue with your workout if/when you feel like you can. If you need to stop for the day then do, your health is more important than finishing a workout.

8. Know the Symptoms of Heat Stroke

Heat stroke is a serious threat that can unfortunately be fatal and sometimes there is little warning. The best way to protect yourselves and others is to know the symptoms of heat stroke: hot/flushed/red or dry skin with absence of sweating, rapid pulse, difficulty breathing, strange behaviour, hallucinations, confusion, agitation, disorientation and seizure.

If you notice that someone has signs of heat stroke/exhaustion you should:

Assist them to lie down in a cool place – such as a room with air conditioning or in the shade

Remove any unnecessary clothing to expose as much of their skin as possible

Cool their skin using whatever you have available – such as a cool, wet sponge or flannel, cold packs around the neck and armpits, or wrap them in a cool, wet sheet

Fan their skin while it’s moist – this will help the water to evaporate, which will help their skin cool down

Get them to drink fluids – this should ideally be water, fruit juice or a rehydration drink, such as a sports drink

Do not give them aspirin or paracetamol – it will not help the raised temperature and may be harmful

Stay with the person until they’re feeling better. Most people should start to recover within 30 minutes

We hope that you found these tips helpful and they help you to remain active this summer. 

Heat-related illnesses are largely preventable. By taking the precautions above, you can continue to exercise during the summer months without causing injury to yourself.

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